Monday, July 14, 2014

First Show!

I had my first show the first weekend in June at the West End Business Association's 1st Annual Food Truck Rodeo in Alexandria, VA. It was absolutely amazing and such a blessing.

In the shows I've been a part of in the past, I was usually sharing a space with my mom. I had one show last year before starting my business at REVEL in Old Town, Alexandria. That show inspired me to start my business, and the show this year has given me a vision of potential.

I'm so grateful for the support of those that came, and I loved meeting so many different people and talking with them. It was a reminder of how, for me, the art and what is produced isn't the most important part of this, but also the people I'm able to connect with.

So thank you to all that came out. I really appreciate the encouragement and support you gave me, and I'm excited to use your feedback to improve my business.

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